Use code: BABYKIDSAD25 for 20% off your next class!
SuperTots is a highly successful national sports development franchise that began in 2002.
SuperTots has partnered with D-BAT Columbus to run year-round programs in their facility for children ages 18 months to 6 years.
Register today at supertotsports.com/columbus
Call 614-504-4405
or message on social media!
@supertots.columbus on Instagram and Facebook
SuperTots Columbus is here to develop your youngest athlete in all areas of life. SuperTots teaches young children the importance of communication, social skills, and gross motor skills through a series of fun and beneficial games. Sports classes consist of a progressive curriculum designed by experts with a comprehensive understanding of child development. The goal of this program is to bring kids through the various stages, so they not only grow their athletic skills and fitness but develop an interest and love for sports and aerobic activities.