Three Bags Full
Three Bags Full Pop-Up Shops is a community event that happens every spring and fall around Central Ohio.
Kids outgrown their clothes? Toys no longer needed? Out of the baby phase?
Join a community of families who buy and sell from one another.
Local. Sustainable. Fun. (And profitable, too!)
To avoid missing out on these deals, be sure to subscribe as each pop up is open just a short time.
Hundreds of local families buy and sell from one another, and anyone can easily participate by registering as a consignor from the website. The public shops after consignors.
Gently-loved and new items for sale:
clothing & shoes (infant-adult)
baby gear & toys
outside play, sporting goods, books, home goods & more
The Pop-Up Shop is like shopping at a department store. Everything is organized, clean and neat, with one check-out. Visa, MC and cash are accepted.
Families should bring their own very large shopping bag. Or purchase one for $7 at the door.