College Liftoff


5202 Bethel-Reed Park
Suite 140
Columbus, OH 43220
Did you know that the average high school student sees a college counselor for a total of 9.5 minutes a year? According the the Columbus Dispatch, 6 in 10 students receive no college counseling.

Your high school student has some big decisions ahead--major, college, and career. 

College planning is important so that families can ensure that their child will graduate with a marketable degree, license or certification that will enable them to gain meaningful employment in their desired career. College Liftoff is the only full-service college planning company in central Ohio that advises students in career planning, admissions support, funding strategies, and his or her right fit.

Contact College Liftoff today at or (614) 329-6633 to schedule your teen’s complimentary career planning consultation. The consultation will give your child insight on potential careers and college majors that match their strengths, interests, and passions and create a “college board” to begin the planning process. Your child’s college board, a $300 value, is yours to keep whether you hire us or not. 

College Liftoff helps high school students find the right school at the right price by viewing higher education as an investment. In the case of higher education, the investment is the college degree which should be able to produce a measurable income worth more than the cost of the education over a set period of time. On average, College Liftoff families save $54,000 in college tuition over a four year span!


5202 Bethel-Reed Park
Suite 140
Columbus, OH 43220