Story Time Chess and Chess at Three believes that chess is for everyone! Their unique approach to chess revolves around fun, engaging stories that transform the chess pieces into a diverse cast of quirky characters whose adventures explain the rules and strategy of the game. Chess at Three’s talented tutors offer online lessons in private or group settings, while Story Time Chess at Home empowers parents and homeschoolers to teach their own kids how to play using our revolutionary story-based curriculum. Lessons cater to a range of learning styles and include physical activities (aka Chessercises) as well as traditional, nuts-and-bolts chess instruction. With Chess at Three and Story Time Chess, the whole family can learn together. Contact Story Time Chess for more details and to decide which lessons are right for your family!
Special Offer: Use coupon code KIDSLINKED for half off of your first month of Story Time Chess at Home. For private virtual lessons, contact us directly via phone or email and and let us know you saw this listing for a special discount on your first lesson!