7th Annual KidsLinked New Albany KidsFest presented by Learning to Flourish Wellness Preschool
Friday, March 11th 5:30-8pmQuest Vineyard Church, 4877 Central College Rd.
KidsLinked is excited to announce its 7th Annual New Albany KidsFest! Register now for a special Easter Bunny visit, Mystery Egg with a special prize, candy, music, balloon artist and more. Help support local businesses by visiting their booths, find shopping at over 20+ shops & find neat things for you or your home. In addition, find resources for your family, summer camps, and more! Super fun stage with music, bingo, win prizes and more! Sign up to experience the event!
Register Now!
Registration Opportunities:
Pre-register to ensure you receive the neat items below - limited quantity (will fill up fast) - Click on "Register" for items below:
- Event Entry Options:
- DIAMOND Entry Option #1: ($5 per child - LIMIT 50 - 2 Max per family) FREE Medium 1 topping Pizza to Angie's Pizza* + Bounce Park Pass + Early Entry (5:30-6PM)
- GOLD Entry Option #2: (FREE pre-registration - LIMIT 150 Families): Early Entry (5:30-6PM) + VIP Bag + Access to Free Cookies (first 200 in the building)! Admits entire family
- SILVER Entry Option #3: (FREE pre-registration OR $2 at the door): General Entry (6-7:30PM) or $2 per person at event. Admits entire family.
- Add-On Fun Items:
- Bounce Park Only (Limit 150): Unlimited access to Bounce Park $5 Pre-register or $7 at event (per person)
- Carnival Game - Ring Toss or Mechanical Pigs (Limit 200): Play 2 different carnival games to win prizes -- Super fun! $5 for 3 game tickets ($2 per game at event)
- FUN PASS (Limit 200 Families - FREE) Includes the following:
- Mini Easter Egg Hunt + Mystery Prize Wheel + Easter Bunny Visit!: Go to our Easter egg hunt area, pick one egg. If the egg has a ticket you get to Spin the Mystery Prize Wheel! If no ticket, then win a small bag of Goodies. Then visit the Easter Bunny!
- Bunny Coloring Contest (6:45PM Winners Announced): Prizes for everyone that enters, and bigger prizes for the top 3! We will provide coloring sheets... or get an early start at the link below! Entry must be completed by 6:45 PM. Coloring Sheets: CLICK HERE!
- Lollipop Game: Play this fun Lollipop game where you will pick various colors (like Candyland) to determine which lollipop you win! Tons of variety and sizes. Very fun!
VIP Bag Includes 1 free drink coupon to Tim Hortons, BOGO Airhouse Columbus, Texas Roadhouse free appetizer, BOGO Air Park Passes to Lazer Kraze, $10 Power Card or $20 for $20 coupon to Dave & Busters, street chalk, and more!
* Free Pizza Coupon is for Ange's Pizza at either 1395 Yearling Rd or 2980 Noe Bixby Rd Columbus.
Register Now!
Event Details:
- What: 7th Annual KidsLinked New Albany KidsFest presented by Learning to Flourish Wellness Preschool
- Where: Quest Vineyard Church, 4877 Central College Rd.
- When: Friday, March 11th 5:30-7:30PM (5:30-6PM VIP Entry / 6-8PM General Admission)
- What to do at the event: Shop, find items for spring, items to improve or add to your home, summer camps, programs & resources for your kids, and connect with local area business!
- Fun items: Includes mini–Easter Egg Hunt, meet & greet with the bunny, mystery prize wheel, bounce park, magician, stage entertainment, carnival game, lollipop game, balloon artist, coloring contest, free cotton candy
- How it works: Start at the KidsLinked booth (located just inside the main entrance of the location). From there you can receive whatever item you signed up to do or directions on where to start the fun. Inside the will be the mini egg hunt, prize wheel, balloon artist, bounce park, stage and more. Lots of fun!
- Admission: Free with pre-registration! Or $2 at-the-door.
- Check Out Our Event Sponsor: Learning to Flourish Wellness Preschool
Event Schedule:
- 5:30PM: VIP Entry Opens + VIP bounce houses + Carnival Game!
- 5:40PM: Mini Egg Hunt / Prize Wheel / Lollipop Game Opens
- 6PM General Entry Opens
- 6:05 - 6:30PM: Magician Jason Woyce Performance
- 6:45 Coloring Contest Winners Announced
- 7:05 - 7:30PM Magician Performance
- 8:00PM: Event Ends - thanks for coming!
Make sure you pre-register to participate for all the fun activities!
Register Now!
Interested in Being a Vendor?
Click here for vendor opportunities: CLICK HERE!
How it works:
Step 1: Click on "Register"
Step 2: Register for any of the fun items
Step 3: Your registration will be added to the respective list of what you are registering.
Step 4: Arrive to the event during your assigned time (depending on your entry time) the day of the event / your name will be checked off the list for entry.
Step 5: Have fun!
Please share the event with family and friends and we look forward to seeing you soon!
Register Now!