If you would prefer to register by mail, print out the form below and mail it to:
Dragon Chess
Center, 4236 Tuller Rd., Dublin OH 43017.
Entry Fee: $15.00 if postmarked by November 10. $20.00 if received after this date. Limited number of discounts available for low income families. Email jjmao11@gmail.com to request before registering. Check payable to Dragon Chess Center. Refund for withdraws less $5 administration fee if requested by noon one day before the tournament. No refund thereafter.
Entry Deadline: Entry must be received by Tuesday, 11/10.
Learning Rocks Chess Challenge 2015
Saturday, November 14, 2015
Registration Form
Space is limited. First come, first serve
Name ____________________________________________________________________________________
Grade _________ Date of birth _____________________ Male ___ Female ___
Mailing Address __________________________________________________________________________
City/State/Zip ___________________________________________________________________________
School _________________________________________
Telephone # _____________________ Email address ___________________________________________
Please circle the section you wish to enter (Players with 10 or more prior rated games are not eligible for this tournament):
Non-Rated K-2 Non-Rated 3-5 Non-Rated 6-12
Tournament Registration Fee - $ _______________ Checks payable to: Dragon Chess Center
($15 by 10/31, $20 by 11/10)
Total enclosed - $ ________________Mail entries to:
Dragon Chess Center
4236 Tuller Rd.
Dublin, OH 43017